Structured Sober Living in Broward County
James Club Recovery offers highly structured, long-term Recovery Residences for men and women certified by the Florida Association of Recovery Residences (FARR). Our curriculum is designed to produce sustained sobriety and law-abiding, purposeful life. We have been serving the Recovery Community since 9/11/2016.
Numerous Sober Living Locations Throughout Fort Lauderdale & Oakland Park, Florida
We have numerous locations throughout Fort Lauderdale and Oakland Park conveniently located near bus stops, shopping centers, and fellowship meetings. Our sober homes are modern and beautifully decorated. Click to take a picture of our sober homes. We also offer certified housing for medication-assisted treatment (MAT) clients. Click here to learn more about our MAT-Certified housing.
4-Phase Program of Recovery for Men and Women
James Club Recovery offers 4-Phase Program that helps Men and Women overcome and or make positive progress with any addiction or mental health issue. Our curriculum is designed to graduate men in 9-12 months but does not put a time limit on how long a guest can stay. Our houses are clean, safe and sober. We provide many impressive amenities and offer a beautiful house for our James Club graduates. Each one of our “Clubs” has a senior man and a group of like-minded individuals to provide support, structure and accountability. We have a zero-tolerance policy, and all of our members are required to work a program of recovery. Please contact the Center at 954-445-0430 to arrange a tour to see the facility and any of our houses.
Click here to learn more about our Four-Phase Program.
We are a Diverse Community
We are a diverse community open to all faiths. Our residents are involved in many altruistic acts, some of which include; feeding the homeless, volunteering at soup kitchens/grocery giveaways and doing local acts of service for our community. We work closely with the legal system and offer assistance to our residents with legal issues by advocating on their behalf. We have excellent relationships in the courthouse and work with many like-minded organizations.
24/7 Supervision
Each “Club” has a “Senior Man/Woman” with 24/7 supervision. The houses have many amenities including flat screen high-definition TVs, Wi-Fi, washer/dryer in each house, an impressive indoor gym and a beautiful outdoor exercise park. Our Center has a sports compound with a regulation sand volleyball court, golf training area and professional basketball court.
World-Class Basketball, Volleyball Court, and Fitness Center
College-grade regulation half-court basketball lines and Hoop. Net is updated frequently to be crisp for our members. We have multiple basketballs to choose from. Our volleyball court is perfect for 2 on 2 or 3 on 3 games. Our fitness center includes a bench-press, chin up dip bar machine, dumbbells, battle-rope, tractor-tire for flipping. Our exercise equipment is similar to what would be used with professional athletes. We understand how much our members enjoy working out.
Recovery Residence Pricing** (which includes the James Club Program along with its many services):
Standard beds: $230 per week.
Two Person rooms: $250 per week
One-Person Rooms: $270 per week.
Start-up cost: $200 (includes linens & initial drug test).
Re-admission fee: $100
Drug Tests: $25 (If for any reason we suspect you of using substances we charge $25 per each drug test).
**All rents and initial start-up costs are nonrefundable.
(We have a dedicated “pricing page” under construction, come back in a couple of days to see the page)
Graduation ceremonies are held at our beautiful Center located in Oakland Park, Florida. We encourage family members to participate in their loved one’s recovery. As alumni of James Club Recovery, you will always be invited to stay connected with us through events and most especially to Mentor and Sponsor newcomers. James Club Recovery is committed to help provide a solution for the opioid/fentanyl epidemic, reduce overdose deaths, lower homelessness and the recidivism rate by providing quality, long term structured Recovery Residences. Our goal is permanent sobriety and a joyful life for our members.
James Club Recovery is excited to hear from you.
Our vision is to continue to be a leading Recovery facility in Broward County that now offers a higher level of care at our Center with a mental health component. We have aspirations to grow our concept and offer services into Dade and Palm Beach Counties.
We are committed and promise to conduct ourselves in the highest of integrity and will always put our member’s interests first.
Thank you.